Calendar of events
01 February 2025
Training (de / fee): Barrierefreie Buchhandlung
DATES ON REQUEST – High bookshelves, cramped book tables, narrow aisles - barrier-free shopping in a bookshop can quickly become a challenge and is often only possible with assistance. How can we create an inclusive bookshop?
By Boersenverein/Mediacampus -
20 February 2025Training (de / fee): Basics der Barrierefreiheit
In this webinar, the basics of digital accessibility will be taught, on the basis of which the next steps for practical implementation can be derived.
By Börsenverein/Mediacampus -
25 February 2025Workshop (en / free of charge): Ask the Expert about reading apps and accessibility
In this online session we will give you an idea of the different reading systems, what their features are and which of those features are useful for persons with a print impairment.
By Fondazione LIA/APACE -
27 February 2025Training (de / fee): Barrierefreiheit in EPUBs und ONIX-Metadaten
Accessibility in EPUBs and ONIX metadata. What metadata must products have? Do I now have to produce my entire publishing programme from scratch? What are good ‘alternative texts’? When is an e-book considered accessible?
By Börsenverein/Mediacampus -
05 March 2025Training (de / fee): Check-Up Barrierefreiheit im Onlineshop. Grenzenlos einkaufen im World Wide Web
Check-up accessibility in the online shop. Unlimited shopping on the World Wide Web.
By Börsenverein/Mediacampus -
07 March 2025Training (de / fee): Grundlagen der Leichten & Einfachen Sprache. Texte für alle verständlich machen
Basics of easy & simple language. Making texts understandable for everyone.
By Börsenverein/Mediacampus -
12 March 2025Training (de / fee): Barrierefreie Bilder. Alternativtexte im digitalen Raum
Image description. Alternative texts in the digital space.
By Börsenverein/Mediacampus -
24 March 2025Training (en / fee): Accessibility Metadata Display: Strategies for Implementation
A course in collaboration with Fondazione LIA featuring Chris Saynor from EDItEUR. This course will help you understand the importance of accessibility metadata for your products and provide practical guidance for implementation.
By Fondazione LIA -
31 March 2025Seminar (en / free of charge): Bringing stories to life: Inclusive strategies for accessible illustrations in children's books and more
Text and images each contribute in their own way to the experience of a story in children's books and more. Making images accessible to readers with visual impairments is essential for a complete and inclusive reading experience.
31 March 2025Meet-up (en / free of charge): Networking event on accessibility and image descriptions
This meet-up will provide opportunities to raise questions, challenges and solutions when it comes to image descriptions in publications.