Accessibility resources
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Checklist (de): Barrierefreiheit von Buch-Produkten in ihren Metadaten darstellen
This Best Practice Paper gives insights around the question on how to manage Metadata / Productmetadata in the accessibility journey.
By Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels
Ask the Expert: Accessibility features in Adobe InDesign
A summary, including a Q and A with Gregorio Pellegrino about the new accessibility features of Adobe InDesign, in the export to EPUB.
Video (en): Recording of the first APACE online meet-up
On 18 June 2024, a first online meet-up was held to discuss ways of creating and producing accessible e-books. Topics discussed included accessibility requirements, strategies, tools and processes.
APACE: Key outcomes Meet-up 1
Summary of the discussion on different topics concerning the creation and production of accessible e-books: policy, content creation, design, technology and development.
Guidelines (en): 2024. Accessibility metadata for international distribution and export
This report provides guidance to exporter publishers on how to efficiently use accessibility metadata to increase the discoverability and sales of their digital titles.
By Fondazione LIA
Guidelines (fi): Saavutettavan e-kirjan hyvät käytännöt
Best Practices for an accessible e-book composed by Accessibility Library Celia and Finnish Publishers Association.
By Accessibility Library Celia
Guidelines (lt): Įtraukioji leidyba Australijoje: pažintinis vadovas
Inclusive Publishing in Australia: An Introductory Guide. Australian Inclusive Publishing Initiative. Translated into Lithuanian in 2024.
By Lithuanian Audiosensory Library
Video (lt): Įtraukioji leidyba: viena knyga skirtingiems skaitymo poreikiams
Lithuanian awareness raising video "Inclusive Publishing: One book for different reading needs".
By Lithuanian Audiosensory Library
Guidelines (de): Gesetzliche Anforderungen und Standards für Verlagsprodukte und -dienstleistungen
German list of legal requirements and standards in the context of accessibility.
By Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels
Website (lt): Įtraukioji leidyba
Įtraukioji leidyba ("Inclusive Publishing") is a website aimed at Lithuanian e-book publishers and publishing industry stakeholders.
By Lithuanian Audiosensory Library