Accessibility resources
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Guidelines (de): Leitfaden zur Barrierefreiheit von Webseiten
German manual about accessible Webshops and Websites.
By Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels
Whitepaper (de): E-Books ohne Barrieren. Auf dem Weg in eine barrierefreie, digitale Zukunft!
German translation of "E-books for all: towards an Accessible Publishing Ecosystem" by Fondazione LIA.
Translated into German in 2021 by Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels.
Guidelines (nl): Check dit!
Dutch quick start guide with tips concerning how to check accessibility.
By Dedicon
Guidelines (nl): Doe Mee!
Dutch quick start guide no. 2 with practical tips and tricks for accessible information.
By Dedicon
Guidelines (nl): Maak Open!
Dutch quick start guide with practical tips and tricks for accessible information.
By Dedicon
Video (it, en): Apple and Android reading gestures for mobile
How to use the accessibility features of the Android and iOS operating system?
These videos collect the settings and gestures to read on different devices. The video is in Italian, English subtitles are available.
By Fondazione LIA
Tool (en): Tools for Born Accessible Publishing
While working at the production and conversion of accessible publications, it often happens to make use of tools, scripts and plug-ins complementary to the use of normal text editing or editorial layout programs.
By Fondazione LIA
Whitepaper (en): E-books for all. Towards an accessible publishing ecosystem
This whitepaper is based on the research and development work carried out with our publishers over the past few years and draws on the international experience gained.
By Fondazione LIA
Guidelines (it): Guida alle modalità di lettura digitale accessibile
It is an italian guide on accessible digital reading to support students with visual disabilities. The guide is divided into four main chapters.
By Fondazione LIA